Our Services

Spot Service General Workers

Outsourcing to meet the sudden surge in manpower requirement.

Flexible Services General & Multi-skill Worker.

Outsourcing to meet the seasonal demand of manpower requirement.

Core Service Skill Workers

Outsourcing to meet the basic manpower requirement.

Spot Service General Workers

Outsourcing to meet the sudden surge in manpower requirement.

Flexible Services General & Multi-skill Worker.

Outsourcing to meet the seasonal demand of manpower requirement.

Core Service Skill Workers

Outsourcing to meet the basic manpower requirement.

Our Features

We Provide Good Logistic Facilities

Our Logistics Teams have developed a reliable transportation and logistics network that uses the most efficient and effective means for us to manage workers. Our job is to get the workers to the right place, at the right time. Furthermore, our logistics teams must do this at the right cost. We continue to optimize transportation costs while improving quality and striving to exceed the service expectations of our customers.

We Take Care of Worker's Welfare

We will provide own cost and expenses at all times throughout the duration of the service, subscribe to workmen compensation scheme as prescribed by law for death, injury and other loss incurred or suffered by workers arising due to workplace accidents. We also fully responsible for all claims and to pay the effected worker for all medical leave and expenses incurred.

We Ensure The Worker's Disciplines

We will ensure the workers demonstrate good behavior and compliance with statutory provisions and requirements of the company in respect of the attendance, nature of work, quality and performance of the work.